The RESORT integrated tool provides from static analysis to system testing.
(No False Positive) Code analysis based on data flow analysis and feasible path
(No Rule Option) Correct order of execution of subprograms
Analysis Language
(Procedural Language) C
(OO Language) C++, C#, Java
(Web Language) JavaScript, JSP, Flex
(Big Data Language) Python, R
(Mobile Language) iOS(Objective-C, Swift), Android(Android-Java, Kotlin)
(SAP Language) ABAP
Tool Qualifications
ISO 26262, IEC 61508, EN 50128
CWE Compatibility (C, C++, Java, JS, ABAP)
MISRA-C, MISRA-C++ Copyright License
ABAP Tool Patent (Korea, US, Australia, Japan, China)
Coding Standards Compliance
Coding Guide Standards
-(DO 178B) JPL C & Java, BSSC Java, JSF++
-(IEC 62304) HealthCare C++, (ISO 61508/62279) Railway C
Security Vulnerability Standards
-CWE(v4.11), OWASP(2021), CERT(C, C++, Java)
-Automotive Embedded Security Vulnerability(C, C++, Java)
-SAP ABAP Backdoor
Run-time Error Standards
-CWE-658(for C), CWE-659(for C++), CWE-660(for Java)
-Automotive Embedded Run-time Error(C, C++)
Code Metrics Standards
-MISRA Software Metrics, HIS Source Code Metrics
-ISO 9126 maintainability
Static Analysis Tool: C, C++, C#
C, C++ and C# Static Analysis Tool analyze the source code only without the compiler build step and verifies it with advanced inter-procedural path analysis(feasible path, call, return) to check Reliability(coding guide), Safety(run-time error), Security(security vulnerability), and Code Metrics(code complexity).
Static Analysis Tool - SAP ABAP Guide & Security Standards
ABAP Static Analysis Tool is an integrated static analysis that simultaneously checks Reliability(Coding Standard), Safety(Run-time Error) and Security(Security Vulnerability), and code metrics based on inter-procedural path analysis.
Static Analysis Tool: Java
Java Static Analysis Tool analyzes the source code only without the compiler build step and verifies it with advanced inter-procedural path analysis(feasible path, call, return) to check Reliability(coding guide), Safety(run-time error), Security(security vulnerability), and Code Metrics(code complexity).
Head Office: 3F, KAITS, 34, Seoun-ro 1-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul 06732, KOREA
Tel +82-2-553-9464, info@soft4soft.com
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